The Romagnolo Family

The Romagnolo Family

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome to 2013

I can't believe that it's January 1st already!  December just flew by!  It was a precious time with my girls!  I am so blessed!  I am trying to treasure every moment with them.  I love it when I ask them if they thanked Jesus for their food and Mia's arm shoots up and she asks to say the prayer!  Of course, Lyla-Boo chimes in.  How precious!  Lord, I pray that these girls grow up loving and serving you with all of their hearts!!

We had a great time celebrating our one year anniversary!  The cake was AWESOME (thanks to Say It With Sugar) and I am blessed and so grateful for everyone that has walked this journey with us!

It did say Happy Anniversary Romagnolo Family until Mia's finger got to it!

 We had a great Christmas.  Even though we were an official family for Christmas last year, in some ways this year felt like our first Christmas.  Maybe it's because the girls are older.  We had the traditional Italian meal after Christmas Eve service and then we went home and decorated cupcakes for Jesus!  It was so sweet hearing my girls sing Happy Birthday to Jesus!

Mia's first time in "big" church.

Decorating cupcakes for Jesus!

Santa was here!

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls for Christmas breakfast!

Homemade Sausage Cheese Biscuits! Yummy!

 We also said goodbye to our elf, Eugene.

 December also brought firsts for Lyla.  Yay for being potty trained and in a big girl bed!!

 As we begin 2013, I think about this past year.  I have so many areas that need growing.  I want to change.  I am not satisfied with where I am.  So, I decided to make a list of where I want to grow.  I tried to be specific about my "goals" too.  My big thing is growing spiritually.  I know that if I commit myself to growing in my relationship with Christ, everything else will probably fall into place.

 Here is my list...what's yours?

Well, I have already started on #4.  I just finished reading "Courageous Parenting by Jack and Deb Graham.  I really enjoyed it.  I have to admit...I had a hard time getting through the first 2 chapters, because they dealt with marriage.  I pushed through though.  I am glad that I did.  They were a reminder to me of what qualities to look for in a husband.  There have been many times that I have given up on the thought of a husband.  There are other times that I dream away of having one and then there are times where I just cry myself to sleep.  Holidays and my birthday are the hardest.  God created families.  His desire is for children to have a father and a mother under the same roof, committed to each other.  Unfortunately, we live in a fallen world, so that is not always the case.  I know that God has chosen me to be Mia and Lyla's mommy (somedays I wonder..."what were you thinking God?").  I have to trust and believe that He knows what He is doing and that He has a plan.  "For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to give you a hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)  God loves my precious girls more than I ever could.  I have to give my worry about them growing up without a father and finding their security in men to God.  He will protect them!

 Lord, your Word says that you will give us the desires of our hearts.  I keep praying that if it's not your desire to for me to be married, to please take that desire away.  You haven't, so I guess that I'll keep praying for my future husband?  I can't say that I understand your ways, but I will trust you!  Lord, I will try not to let myself listen to the Enemy or get discouraged (especially when old students are getting engaged/married & I am still waiting).  Please help me to keep my eyes focused on You Lord!!

I am praying that my girls' and I will grow closer this year and that they fall deeply in love with Jesus (in the future)!  I am praying that I make it through my strong-willed Lyla!  :)  The next book on my list is one of James Dobson's on the strong willed child!  :)

I pray that you grow this year in Christ and that you draw near to Him!  Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful post Ann. You blow me away with your heart for the Lord and the way you've embraced motherhood. God clearly has made your path clear in this endeavor and I'm confident that He will provide exactly what your heart desires, as you continue to submit your desires to Him. Those are two very blessed little girls.
