The Romagnolo Family

The Romagnolo Family

Sunday, February 8, 2015


The past two weeks have been a little crazy in the Romagnolo house.  It started when we were on our way to a friend's birthday party and I noticed that Mia had lice in her hair.  Yipee!  That became a long week of doing everything possible to make sure that we got rid of those critters.  Unfortunately, that meant that I ran out of time in the mornings to spend some good quality time with God.  My mornings now consisted of working out and then blow drying and flat ironing the girls' hair.  Last week, Lyla got the flu and then promptly shared it with her mommy.  It could've been because we spent some time on the couch like this:

Seriously though...I couldn't say no to cuddles with this one.  I think that things are finally starting to get back to "normal" (whatever that is & I really hope that I didn't just jinx myself!).  So, it took me a little bit longer to get through the next characteristic of Jesus, but I was determined to not just give up on my study.  The next trait is "Courageous".   The thing that encouraged me about this chapter is that no matter what happens, Jesus will be with me.  The part that challenged me the most was the section on a gentle and quiet spirit.  I prayed to God (as I have often in the past), "Lord, how do I have that?  How do I remain gentle and quiet?"  I mean if any of you know me at all, I don't think that "gentle" and "quiet" would be the words that anyone ever used to describe me.  God wants us to love with the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.  What is that?  What does that look like?  Seriously...I'll take your input here.  One day while I was driving the thought occurred to me...what if a gentle and quiet spirit means one who has an unshakeable trust in Jesus?  Maybe it looks like someone who despite their hard times, they have a firm trust in Jesus.  What are your thoughts?  This one has always puzzled me.  I'm not a quiet girl.  :)

Being "courageous" means knowing and trusting that God is in control no matter what.  Nothing is a surprise to Him.  My problem is that sometimes I react before I remember and fall back on His promises.  God's love helps us to overcome our fears and doubts.  My heart's desire is that no matter what comes my way, I will cling to Jesus and that I will trust that He's in control.  I really have been blessed with so much.  My children, my home, my job,...everything is in His hands.  Do I live like I truly believe that?  The next part of my study will be on Disciplined and Faithful.  Stay tuned for more...

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