The Romagnolo Family

The Romagnolo Family

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Approachable & Available

I follow several women bloggers.  One of them recently posted that she remembered her mother always being in the Word.  Her mom was always looking for ways to soak in the Word of God, whether it was reading it, listening to sermons, etc.  That got me thinking...I remember my mother always reading her Bible.  In fact, it was my mom who taught me what it meant to have a "quiet time".  I realized that I have been very slack in my quiet times and being in the Word this year.  I want that to change too.  Remember, this is The Year of Change!  :)  I want my girls to see me reading and studying God's Word.  I want God to shape me and mold me into the best mom that I can be.  I can't do that unless I'm constantly in His Word and spending quality time with Him.  So, I have started a new study.  It's called, "A Woman Who Reflects the Heart of Jesus" by Elizabeth George.

It's a 30 day study that goes through the different character traits of Jesus.  I've decided to take longer and each day really dig into it with the questions in the study guide that I also got.  The first two traits that she starts with are Approachable and Available. This study has already been tugging at my heart.  I've come to realize that I am not very approachable.  I'm just being real with you.  I started asking myself questions...How is my tone of voice when I am interrupted?  Do I stop and look at people?  Do I smile?  Is my expression open?  Jesus didn't allow crowds, busyness or a crazy schedule to stop Him from helping others or to keep Him from being approachable.  He was also available to all.  It didn't matter how busy He was.  The most important thing that is noted in scripture here, is that Jesus made time to spend praying to God and He followed His direction.  He prayed about who to minister to first.  Elizabeth George says, "The available person is a ready person, prepared and eager to respond when she believes she can help and has something to give."  My challenge is not getting so busy with life that I don't have time to be available.  I pray daily that my girls will have servant's hearts, but am I modeling that for them?  Being available DOES NOT mean saying "yes" to everything.  Jesus went where God told Him to go.  Even if people put pressure on you or can't understand why you can't even give up just one day or weekend, you have to do what is best for you and your family.  I've had to learn that as a single mom.  My first priority is to my children.  Not only does my busyness not honor God, but it hurts my children.  They are my mission field right now.  Am I showing them how to be approachable to others and to also be available to others?  Am I teaching them that if someone has a need and we have the ability to help meet that need, that we should seize that opportunity?  Not only are my little ones watching me on my fitness journey, but they are also watching me in my walk with Christ.  The spring semester is always a crazy one for us (more me).  So I am already looking for ways that I can be intentional with my sweet girls, whether it's how I respond to them or just by spending time with them.  I can tell you this, I've probably had to apologize a few times already this week for not being "approachable" because I was tired from not sleeping well.  I've had to apologize for snapping at them and losing my "cool".  I used to think that I understood what my friends' lives were like (the ones that had kids), but secretly I couldn't get what the big deal was or why they didn't have time for me.  Now I TOTALLY get it!  Ha!!  :)  This is a journey folks.  As I continue this journey, I'm gonna be real with you.  It's a process.  How are you at being approachable and available?  Be intentional this week!!


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