The Romagnolo Family

The Romagnolo Family

Monday, February 23, 2015


     I think that it is awesome how God’s timing works out.  As I am working on “The Year of Change”, my Beachbody business, and everything else that life throws at us, the character trait “Focused” comes up this week.  God knew that in the midst of a busy spring semester that is starting to kick in full gear, I would need this reminder this week.  I love this quote from Elizabeth George, “Aim at nothing and you will hit it every time.”  Jesus prepared.  She also says, “Success is when preparation meets opportunity.”  If I want to live with purpose, I need to focus my heart, my time, and my priorities.  Be intentional EVERY day.  I was also reminded of God’s faithfulness too.  We will have temptation in life, but God is always there and always provides a way out.  This is where being prepared comes in.  Are we allowing ourselves to get in these situations?  For example, in my new fitness journey do I prepare and plan?  Do I evaluate my week to schedule in my workouts?  Do I evaluate my day ahead the night before and make plans to be successful with my eating (packing the right foods and/or enough snacks).  If I leave everything up to chance, I’m setting myself up to fall into temptation.  This can apply to so many other areas of our lives…dating, finances, etc.  

     This week’s lesson also convicted me of another area of my life that I have not been consistent in.  When I lived in Florida, I used to be pretty good about praying for others daily.  I had a list and each day of each week, certain friends or family members were lifted up in prayer.  I’ve gotten out of that habit.  I made my list again and hope that I can make that a daily habit.  Also, I realized that it’s okay to pray for your goals and dreams.  Leave them at the feet of Jesus.  Ask Him to make His goals and dreams and your goals and dreams the same.  Do you pray for your goals and dreams? 

            Jesus knew from the very beginning what His purpose was.  He kept pushing through and staying focused no matter what.  He did not give up or give in.  I can apply this to my workouts right now.  It’s super hard to get up early in the morning, but if I keep doing it and working out consistently, in the end I’ll be healthier and look better.  I know that this cannot even compare to what Jesus had to go through, but for me and my life, this is where I am right now.  I have some friends that are going through the wilderness right now.  They feel alone and their 40 days and nights have turned into years.  I can’t even imagine.  I pray that they can just keep pushing forward and trusting God.  His Word says that He will never leave us or forsake us.  Sometimes it’s hard to see that when you are in the valley.  Every time that Jesus was tempted to give in or give up, God sent an angel.  I pray that God will send His angels to encourage those of you in the valley right now. 

Philippians 4:11-13 and vs. 19 says that God will always meet our needs.  My prayer is that I (& all of us) will stay focused on His provision and His purpose for my (our) life.   For so many years, God has placed ministering to women (especially teen girls) on my heart.  Before I became a mom, I used to work in the high school ministry at my church.  Once I became a mom, I had to stop and focus on my new ministry, my children.   Since I am a high school choir director, I still get to build relationships with teenagers and be a positive influence in their lives.  I have been wondering though…how in my CRAZY (I mean CRAZY) schedule can I still minister to and encourage others?  I think that God has opened the door through this blog and my Beachbody business.  I want to honor God in all that I do.  I want to stay focused on His will. 

Elizabeth George ends this chapter with a list from Titus 2:3-5 on
 how we can know God’s purpose in our lives.  I read this and immediately asked one of my old students to paint this on a canvas for me so that I can hang it in my room.  Here it is:
                        1.  Be godly in your behavior.
                        2.  Be truthful and kind in your speech.
                        3.  Be disciplined and self-control.
                        4.  Be a teacher and encourager of good things.
5.  Be devoted to your Husband (I capitalized this one because I am not married and therefore God is my Husband).
6.  Be devoted to your children.
7.  Be discreet and wise in your actions.
8.  Be chaste and pure inside and out.
9.  Be focused on your home.
10.  Be kind and good to all.

I want to be a woman who lives like this this.  I have so much further to go.  We all do.  Let’s do this journey together!  Let’s be women who encourage each other in our goals and dreams, to live focused lives, and to glorify God in our lives.  Until next week my friends…

Be Blessed!


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Week 8 - The Year of Change

     I am so excited to write this post!  Today I got on the scale, took my measurements (with the help of my special helper, Mia), took my “after” pictures, and did my last Body Combat workout (for awhile at least).  Ya’ll, I couldn’t believe it!  I have never taken before and after pictures.  I HIGHLY recommend it!  I could actually see a difference!!  I lost inches too…a total of 12.75 to be exact.  Here’s the break down:
Total Lost:
Chest:  1.5 “
Right Arm:  1 “
Left Arm: .75 “
Waist:  5”
Hips:  3”
Right Thigh:  1”
Left Thigh:  .5”

I must have worked harder on my right side.  Ha!  J  Here is the weight difference:

I am feeling great!  I have more energy and I am feeling a lot more confidence.  I owe it all to the wonderful group of ladies in my Challenge/Accountability Group that keep me going every day.  They are so encouraging.  Joining a Challenge Group was the best decision ever!  I thrive on accountability and support. 

     On Thursday of this week, I started the 21 Day Fix Extreme Program.  This is the newest program (a step up in intensity from 21 Day Fix) that Beachbody has come out with.  I am very excited!  Several ladies from our group, including my sister, are doing the 21 Day Fix program.  I also have several friends that have started it.  I wanted to be able to truly support my Challengers (especially my big sis) and I also wanted to make sure that I was eating properly.  I am enjoying it so far.  For those of you that are not familiar with this program.  It comes with a workout DVD with 8 different Extreme 30 minute workouts.  It also came with one set of color-coated containers (see the picture above).  Each container is a different size for portion control.

Green is for Veggies
Purple is for Fruit
Red is for Protein
Yellow is for Carbs
Blue is for the Healthy Fats (cheese, raw nuts, etc.)
Orange is for Seeds and Dressings

According to my calorie range, I am allowed (per day):
4 Greens
 3 Purples
 4 Reds
3 Yellows
1 Blue
1 Orange
I also get 4 tspn of oils and or nut butters

I was a little nervous at first.  There are some differences from what I was doing before.  For example, I can only use almond milk in my Shakeology twice a week.  When I do that, I substitute one of my yellow containers that day.  I had never had my Shakeo with water.  Luckily, it’s still just as good.  I will say that I am a fan of making them in the blender.  I even bought a travel size one for my travels this spring.  There are no cheats on this plan.  I’m gonna be honest though.  I am cheating on one thing…my morning cup of coffee.  You are only allowed one packet of Stevia and one teaspoon of almond milk (I’m assuming per cup).  I just can’t do it.  I can’t.  I will say that I have gone from two cups to one cup and 7-8 Splenda or Stevia packets  (don’t judge) to 4 Stevia and 1 Splenda.  I’m still using more than a tspn. of Almond Milk (I need a little caramel coloring).  I figure that this journey is about making healthier choices overall.  I figure that my one cup of coffee won’t throw everything off balance.  When I weighed myself on Tuesday morning I weighed 164 lbs.  This morning, I weighed 162.2.  Okay, I’ll stop whining about not having almond milk in my Shakeo anymore.  J   I can do it for 21 days.  I have been feeling full.  You are supposed to eat every 2 hours.  I try to do my best.  Sometimes it’s hard with my schedule at school, but I’m making it work!

Now, are you ready for the before and after picture?  I’m very nervous posting this for the world to see, but I want my journey to be an encouragement to others. 

     On Monday, I start a combo of Body Pump 3 days a week (MWF) & the 21 Day Fix Extreme Workouts the other 3.  I am excited and nervous.  I hear that the 21 DFX workouts are killers, but I’m gonna push through!  I know that Beachbody is phasing out the Les Mills programs (so if you want to try Body Pump or Body Combat, get it now before they are out!), but I have to get my weight lifting in.  I know that I can get it in through other workouts, but I love and miss my Body Pump classes so much.  Stay tuned next week for the next update.  It’s a busy 2 weeks at school before Spring Break.  I can do this!  J 

Have a Blessed Week!  Keep it Real and Stay with the Fight!!!


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Disciplined and A Little Bit of Faithful

     This week kind of flew by.  It feels so good to be feeling more like myself and also digging in the Word every day.  This week's character traits are Disciplined and Faithful.  I haven't quite finished Faithful, but I'm close.  This is the first study that I remember ever doing that really digs into the life of Jesus and who He is and what His life was really about.  I feel like I am getting to know Him even more.

     I thought that it was so fitting that one of the traits this week was Disciplined.  Here I am in my "Year of Change" and I get to study more about being disciplined,  Many of the ladies in my Challenge Group (accountability group) began their journey this week.  How fitting that "disciplined" would come up this week.  This chapter in the book encouraged me because it reminded me that I can always turn to Jesus when I am struggling or under attack.  He knows what it's like to endure spiritual attack.  In Matthew 4:1-11, Jesus faced three types of temptation:
1.  Physical Needs & Desire
2.  Possessions & Power
3.  Pride
He did not give in.  He used Scripture to refute everything that Satan threw at Him.  Wow!  Do I know God's Word that well?  One of my biggest struggles (to be honest, I struggle in all 3 of those areas) is FOOD!  I have learned over the past 7 weeks that being consistently in His Word and in an accountability group is really helping.  My prayer is that when I am in any kind of temptation, that I will stop to evaluate what's going on and to pray and give it to Jesus.  This is a hard one for me.  I tend to react first, evaluate later.  Ugh!  I love this quote by Elizabeth George:

"Maintaining spiritual disciplines is a choice.  
You choose to do what you believe is important."

So true!!  This can be said for every area of our life too, even relationships.  You make time for the things that are important to you.  
     I enjoyed the story of David, Nabal, & Abigail.  Abigail was very humble and calm in her approach and words to David.  She had quickly assessed the situation and came up with a solution.  She didn't let her emotions get the best of her.  I fail in that area a lot!  I want to get in the habit of praying about EVERY decision.  I also don't want to become like Eve and doubt God's goodness.  I want to dwell on His MANY blessings.  

     The character trait of Faithful reminded us that Jesus was faithful in all that He did.  He took care of His family and friends and He obeyed His Father.  I want to be faithful with all that God has given me.  

1 Timothy 3:11 lists 4 qualities that God desires from me:

1.  For me to be worthy of respect
2.  For me not to be a malicious talker
3.  For me to be temperate
4.  For me to be trustworthy in everything

     In Luke 18:1, Jesus told His disciples that "they should always pray and not give up."  This quote from Elizabeth George got me:

“Like the Lord, you have a busy life, important events that require your time and energy, people who need your prayers, and maybe even a few enemies.”

Wow!  How easily do we forget that Jesus’ life was busy, non-stop, and constant?  Yet He always found time to be intentional in His prayer life, in how He treated others, etc.  Let’s just stop and think about that for a minute.  No really, think about it.  I’ll be right here when you’re done…

Mark 1:16-39 describes what a day looked like for Jesus.  In all of the craziness, He made sure that His heart and Spirit were quiet and that He connected with His Father.  Y’all…I want to be like that!  I’ll just keep taking one day at a timeand keep picking myself up when I fall.  It’s a process just like my weight loss journey.  J 

Next week, I’ll finish up Faithful and talk about Focused.  As mamas, don’t forget your calling in this world.  We are called to be Faithful with what He has blessed us with and number one on that list are our children.  Be intentional this week in your words, action and time!  From my family to yours, I hope that you have a blessed week!

Until next time,


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week 7 - The Year of Change

It's so good to be back to a healthy me!  I was able to get all of my workouts in this week.  Woo-hoo!  I did modify the schedule a little bit though.  Getting up at 3:45 am was a killer, so I made some adaptions.  Here's what I did:
Monday - 45 minute Body Combat
Tuesday - 30 minute Step 
Wednesday - 30 minute Body Combat Live
Thursday - 25 minute Upper Body & 20 minute Core workout
Friday - 30 minute Body Combat 
Saturday - 60 minute Body Combat Live
Sunday - 30 minute Step (I skipped my day of rest because I love Step)

As of my sneak peak on Saturday,  I'm down another 1.6 pounds.  I'm hoping to be down a full 2 pounds by tomorrow.  In order to reach my goal by spring break, I need to lose about 2 pounds per week.  

I also went ahead this week and ordered the new 21 Day Fix Extreme that just came out this month.  I bought it now while it was on sale even though I wasn't planning on using it until May.  Then, I started thinking (scary, I know!).  Even though I won't get in a full 21 days when it comes in before Spring Break, I really want to make sure that I am eating enough and do some good clean eating.  I also want to be able to truly encourage my sister and other members of our Challenge Group that are doing the 21 Day Fix.  I'm going to follow the eating plan until Spring Break.  I have one more week left in my Body Combat program and then I start Body Pump.  I'm going to do Pump 3 times a week and try the 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts for the other 3.  I have several friends doing those workouts now and I think the word "extreme" is an understatement. 

I put on a pair of shorts yesterday that I haven't worn for a few summers.  Woo-hoo!  I'm excited to be more fit for Spring Break.  I did realize yesterday that I might want to work on my upper body strength over the next 3 weeks.  My girls have gotten heavier and pushing them around the zoo in our stroller yesterday was a good workout!  :)  Also, I plan on blogging about how to eat healthy and make good choices while you're on vacation.  Stayed tuned for that in the next month.

Our lunch/snack at the Zoo.  Even my girls love our shakes (Shakeology).  They enjoyed chocolate while I enjoyed my vanilla that just came in on Friday.

Here is one video of my workout on Saturday.  Here is another one towards the end working on some upper body strength.  These are unedited.  I switched direction midway though so that Mia could get a better view.  Next week, I'll take my measurements (with the help of Mia) too so that I can see what kind of difference there is from start to finish.  Stay tuned for more....

Keep it real and stay with the fight!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2015


The past two weeks have been a little crazy in the Romagnolo house.  It started when we were on our way to a friend's birthday party and I noticed that Mia had lice in her hair.  Yipee!  That became a long week of doing everything possible to make sure that we got rid of those critters.  Unfortunately, that meant that I ran out of time in the mornings to spend some good quality time with God.  My mornings now consisted of working out and then blow drying and flat ironing the girls' hair.  Last week, Lyla got the flu and then promptly shared it with her mommy.  It could've been because we spent some time on the couch like this:

Seriously though...I couldn't say no to cuddles with this one.  I think that things are finally starting to get back to "normal" (whatever that is & I really hope that I didn't just jinx myself!).  So, it took me a little bit longer to get through the next characteristic of Jesus, but I was determined to not just give up on my study.  The next trait is "Courageous".   The thing that encouraged me about this chapter is that no matter what happens, Jesus will be with me.  The part that challenged me the most was the section on a gentle and quiet spirit.  I prayed to God (as I have often in the past), "Lord, how do I have that?  How do I remain gentle and quiet?"  I mean if any of you know me at all, I don't think that "gentle" and "quiet" would be the words that anyone ever used to describe me.  God wants us to love with the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.  What is that?  What does that look like?  Seriously...I'll take your input here.  One day while I was driving the thought occurred to me...what if a gentle and quiet spirit means one who has an unshakeable trust in Jesus?  Maybe it looks like someone who despite their hard times, they have a firm trust in Jesus.  What are your thoughts?  This one has always puzzled me.  I'm not a quiet girl.  :)

Being "courageous" means knowing and trusting that God is in control no matter what.  Nothing is a surprise to Him.  My problem is that sometimes I react before I remember and fall back on His promises.  God's love helps us to overcome our fears and doubts.  My heart's desire is that no matter what comes my way, I will cling to Jesus and that I will trust that He's in control.  I really have been blessed with so much.  My children, my home, my job,...everything is in His hands.  Do I live like I truly believe that?  The next part of my study will be on Disciplined and Faithful.  Stay tuned for more...

Week 6 - The Year of Change

Well, my normal weekly update was thrown off by my sweet 4 yr old sharing the flu with me.  Luckily I noticed the signs in myself right away and got on tamiflu.  Even though I kicked the fever fast, the drainage and fatigue was another story.  I didn't work out again until this past Friday.  I was a little nervous going almost a whole week without working out, but I stayed with my healthy eating and was still able to lose some weight.  Whew!  It was hard.  Knowing that my group was there made so much difference for me.

I worry a little bit about falling off the band wagon during this whole process, but at the same time I can sense that this time is different.  I'm not alone on this journey.  My Challenge Group has made a world of difference.  I know that they are counting on me.  I also have those of you that have been following my journey through my blogs.  Your comments encourage me and keep me going too!

I am still in my Body Combat program.  I have 3 more weeks left in this program.  The next part of my journey will be Body Pump.  I am so excited to be doing Pump again.  All of my equipment is in.  I was so excited when it all came in that I couldn't wait to do the Step workout.  It's very similar to the Body Step classes that I used to do at the gym in Florida.  I forgot what a great lower body workout that Step was!!!

Tomorrow, my friend Claire and I start another Challenge Group.  This time, she is letting me lead it with her so that I can learn the ropes as a Coach.  I am especially excited, because my sister is joining this journey with me!!  I love that we are going to get to encourage each other.  I also have a few friends joining our group too.  This will keep me going.  It makes a difference when you know that just by staying committed, you are encouraging or pushing others.

What are my "stats" you ask?  I won't do my measurements until I'm finished my Body Combat program, but here is the rest:

My goal is to be down a total of 20 pounds by spring break.  I have about 8 more pounds to go and 4 weeks.  Keep pushing me ya'll!!  Even though I have made my work schedule the best that it has ever been in the spring, it's about to get crazy with UIL, pop show, and our choir trip.  Take one day at a time!!

Until next week my friends!  27 days until Spring Break!  I can do this (and so can you!)!