I meant to post last week, but life is crazy at the end of the year. In my last post I had mentioned that I was about to start my next round of 21 Day Fix Extreme. Well, I am here to confess, that I kind of gave up on that idea. I have been watching what I've been eating, but I haven't been doing the strict clean eating of the 21 DFX plan. I don't know why, but I just didn't have the discipline or motivation this time. I actually still use the portion control containers to plan out most of my days. I haven't gotten on the scale much, but I am seeing some non-scale victories. Last week I wore a shirt that used to be tight around my arms. Mid-morning I realized that it wasn't so tight anymore...
I have still been consistent in my workouts. This is the longest since moving to Texas 8 years ago that I've stuck to any workout program. I have come up with my own workout schedule. It's a mixture of Body Pump, Body Combat, Lower Fit Extreme (21 DFX), Upper Fit Extreme (21 DFX), and whatever else I feel like trying from Beachbody on Demand. This keeps my workouts fresh and keeps it from getting boring. This weekend, I tried on my goal dress that I wanted to fit into for my Choir Banquet that is coming up on the 30th. Guess what? It fit! I would like to tone up my lower body just a little more this week if I can. I may try to throw in another Body Pump or push out some more cardio this week to see if it helps. One more non-scale victory that happened this weekend was that I put on this shirt that I haven't worn for a while because it was snug. I remembered that I had a picture from a year ago (why my friends let me wear that out in public, I'll never know). I put them together for a comparison. This is the result:
This is super exciting! I don't know if I'll get down to my goal weight of around 150 pounds before our summer vacation, but I'm close!! In other news...I can't believe that I'm about to have a Kindergartner and a 1st grader!!! Here is a pic of my sweet soon to be 1st grader:
My soon to be Kindergartner turns 5 in 13 days! Agh! Only 9 days of school left, and 12 days until we get to the Happiest Place on Earth!! Woo-hoo!
Game night with these goofballs!! |
I'll try to give you another update next week. Make it a great week friends and don't give up!!